In the monograph for the first time the leading etiological and pathogenetical role of structural and functional disparities in the "spine-pelvis- lower limbs" biokinematic chain in the forming of degenerative-dystrophical lesion of vertebral locomotor segments is elucidated in detail. On the strength of the vast clinical material and clinico-computer-tomographic corellation carried out by the author the working classification of computer-tomographic signs of vertebral column degenerative-dystrophical lesions is proposed. In principle new approach to the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prophylaxis of vertebrogenic lesions of the nervous system in stated. A number of author's inventions is described in detail. The inventions are the set of unique neuroorthopedic, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. On the strength of the received new data the author has for the first time conceptually motivated the necessity of singling out the vertebroneurology and neuroorthopedics into independent medical discipline.